Negotiated Agreements & Bylaws
College Place Teachers Contract 2024-25 (FULL)
- College Place Coaches Contract (2024-27)
- Cert. Salary Schedule 2024-25
- Student Exclusion RCW Language (Outside Link)
- Academic Freedom (page 11)
- Grievance Procedure (page 12)
- Personnel Files (page 13)
- Transfer Language (pages 15-19)
- Workday & Prep Time (pages 19-22)
- Supplies & Professional Learning Allocations (page 22)
- Additional Supports for WaKIDS, Kinder, WA AIM, SpEd, and CTE (pages 22-24)
- Leaves (pages 28-32)
- Teacher Work Load (pages 33-34)
- Student Discipline (page 30)
- Principal Advisory Team (PAC) (page 35)
- Clubs and Activities Stipends (pages 41-42)
- Walla Walla Extracurricular Contract (2022-25)
- Cert. Salary Schedule (2024-25)
- Student Exclusion RCW Language (Outside Link)
- Academic Freedom (page 5)
- Grievance Procedure (page 5)
- Personnel Files (page 7)
- Transfer Language (pages 17-18)
- Staff Protection (pages 19-20)
- Workday & Prep Time (pages 20-21)
- Supplemental 5.5 Days (page 22 & 44)
- Collaboration Time (page 23)
- Longevity Pay & Longevity Recognition (pages 26 & 30)
- Supplies & Professional Learning Allocations (page )
- Additional Supports for WaKIDS, Kinder, WA AIM, SpEd, and CTE (pages )
- Leaves (pages 27-30)
- Teacher Workload (pages 31-33)
- Planning (prep) Time (page 34)
- Student Discipline (page 35)
- Clubs and Activities Stipends (pages 42-43)